Plane Sense: A Beginner's Guide to Owning and Operating Private Aircraft FAA-H-8083-19A
Orbital Mechanics and Satellite Trajectories Explained: Mathematical Foundations for Spaceflight and Satellite Navigation with Python (Mastering Space ... Rocket Science and Aerospace Engineering)
Comprehensive Aerospace Engineering Handbook with Python (Golden Dawn Engineering)
Advanced Calculus and Differential Equations for Rocket Scientists: Applying Mathematics to Spaceflight Dynamics and Control Systems with Python (Mastering ... Rocket Science and Aerospace Engineering)
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Aerospace Engineering: Modeling and Analyzing Fluid Flows (Mastering Space Mathematics: Essential Calculations for Rocket Science and Aerospace Engineering)
The New World Champion Paper Airplane Book: Featuring the World Record-Breaking Design, with Tear-Out Planes to Fold and Fly