Jesus Listens--for Advent and Christmas, with Full Scriptures: Prayers for the Season (A 40-Day Devotional)
Jesus Listens: Daily Devotional Prayers of Peace, Joy, and Hope (A 365-Day Prayer Book)
The Holy Spirit’s Presence: Accessing God's Power by Acknowledging Our Weakness (Christian Teaching Books on God, Jesus Christ & the Church Book 1)
Evenings with Jesus: A Prayer Book of 100 Devotions for a Restful Night's Sleep in God's Grace
Be Still: A Year of Daily Devotionals for One-on-One Time with God (The Inspirational Devotions Collection)
Living Well Through Advent 2024: Practicing Peace with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind
The Little Blue Book: Advent and Christmas Seasons 2024-2025: Reflections on the Infancy Narratives According to Matthew