How to Practice Stoicism: Lead the stoic way of life to Master the Art of Living, Emotional Resilience & Perseverance - Make your everyday Modern life ... & Positive (Mastering Stoicism Book 2)
The Stoic way of Life: The Ultimate Guide of Stoicism to make your Everyday Modern Life Calm, Confident - Master the Art of Living, Emotional Resilience & Perseverance (Mastering Stoicism)
The Stoic Man's Guide: Daily Strategies for Modern Men: How to Embrace Timeless Stoicism for Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being (The Stoic Life Series: Practical Wisdom for Modern Living Book 1)
Think Like a Stoic: A 4-Step Blueprint with 10 Powerful Exercises to Make Right Decisions, Identify What You Can't Control, and Master Emotions with Stoicism ... Critical Thinking (Master Thinking Book 2)