Lapidary For Beginners: Step by Step Guide to Tumbling, Cutting, and Faceting for Beginners
Wire Wrapping Jewelry: Intermediate Wire Braiding Techniques and Ring Setting Creating with Step-by-Step Guided Instructions for Inspiring and Creating your Own DIY Jewelry Project.
The Art of Cabochon Cutting: Mastering Techniques for Shaping Smooth, Rounded Gems (Stone Whispers: Unveiling the Art of Lapidary)
LAPIDARY FOR BEGINNERS: A Comprehensive Guide to Unearth the Art of Crafting Gemstones, Stone Cutting, Polishing, and Jewelry Making
Lapidary for Beginners: Comprehensive Step By Step Blueprint to Lapidary Processes - Tumbling, Cutting, Cabbing, Carving, and Faceting For Beginners
Polishing Perfection: Master the Art of Tumbling and Polishing for Stunningly Smooth and Gleaming Results (Stone Whispers: Unveiling the Art of Lapidary)
First Tumble: A Beginner's Guide to Rock Polishing for the Whole Family: An Introduction to Rock Tumbling