Procedural World Building With Unity And C #: Learn Practical Techniques to Create Procedurally Generated 3D Game Worlds from Scratch using Unity and C#

Procedural World Building With Unity And C #: Learn Practical Techniques to Create Procedurally Generated 3D Game Worlds from Scratch using Unity and C#

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Modern C++ Programming Cookbook: Master Modern C++ with comprehensive solutions for C++23 and all previous standards

Modern C++ Programming Cookbook: Master Modern C++ with comprehensive solutions for C++23 and all previous standards

Introduction to Algorithms, fourth edition

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100 Exercises for Practicing Python: A set of exercises with different levels of complexity | Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced | Solved exercises for all levels

100 Exercises for Practicing Python: A set of exercises with different levels of complexity | Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced | Solved exercises for all levels

Grokking Algorithms, Second Edition

Grokking Algorithms, Second Edition

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Sequential and Parallel Algorithms and Data Structures: The Basic Toolbox

Data Structures and Algorithms with Python: With an Introduction to Multiprocessing (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)

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Object-Oriented Programming with Python: Best Practices and Patterns

Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: The History and Future of American Intelligence

Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: The History and Future of American Intelligence

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