EL MÉTODO FLIPPING HOUSES: Descubre la estrategia de Comprar, Reformar y Vender inmuebles para conseguir ingresos a corto plazo (Español) GUÍA PARA INVERTIR EN INMUEBLES (Spanish Edition)
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Aircraft Insurance Fundamentals: A Concise Guide for Aircraft Owners and Operators: Revised and Expanded 2nd Version
Unshackled: FIRE Your 9 to 5 (Financial Independence Retire Early): Achieve Financial Freedom and Join the New Generation of Millennial Retirees
Harvard Can't Teach What You Learn from the Streets: The Street Success Guide to Building Wealth through Multi-Family Real Estate
“Adjusting” to a Career in Property & Casualty Claims: A guide for current and future insurance claim adjusters. A positive outlook on the profession, combating the stressors and tips for success.
Business Interruption, Supply Chain & Contingency: Concepts, vulnerabilities, solutions, Risk Management perspectives (Pertes d’Exploitation, Chaîne d'Approvisionnement ... Interruption, Supply Chain & Contingency)