Measureman Fully Stainless Steel Bimetal Dial Thermometer, 3" Dial, 2-1/2" Stem, 50-550 deg F/10-260 deg C, -1% Accuracy, Adjustable, 1/2" NPT Back Mount
Supco ST02 Stainless Steel Pocket Dial Thermometer, 5" Stem, 1" Dial, 0 to 220 Degrees F
Uharbour 2-1/2" Dial Water Thermometer, Water Temperature Gauge with 1-3/4" Lead-Free Brass Stem and 1/2" NPT Back Mount, Accuracy 2% Range 0-250°F / -20-120 °C…
Compost Soil Thermometer by Greenco, Stainless Steel, Celsius and Fahrenheit Temperature Dial, 20 inch Stem
MEASUREMAN Vapor Capillary Flanged Panel Mount Refrigeration Thermometer, 2" Dial, 48" Capillary, -40-65 deg F/-40-20 deg C, Re-Calibration Available
Uharbour Cooler Thermometer Comercial Freezer Thermometer Capillary Design Refrigeration Gauge, Range -40 to 65 ℉ / -40 to 20℃, 2" Dial Stainless Steel Flanged Panel Mount
Taylor 8215N 8-Inch Bi-Therm Pocket Dial Thermometer, 1.75-Inch Dial, 0 to 220 Degree F, NSF
Winters TSW Series Aluminum Dual Scale Hot Water Thermometer, Dial Type, 2-1/2" Dial, 1/2" NPT Center Back Mount, 30-250 F/C Range