ETHIOPIAN BIBLE IN ENGLISH COMPLETE 157 BOOKS: Amplified Bible, Large Print Edition, Annotated and Simplified. With Missing Apocrypha and The Lost Writings.
The 5 Minute Guide to Jainism: - what you really need to know (Diversiton's Pocket Guides to World Faiths Book 8)
Tantra Exposed: The Enlightening Path of Tantra. Unveiling the Practical Guide to Eternal Bliss. (Serenade of Bliss Book 4)
Jaina Sûtras, Part 1 of 2: The Âkârânga Sûtra and The Kalpa Sûtra (The Sacred Books of the East (Volume 22 of 50))
Shadow Work for Women: Embracing the Inner Feminine - Workbook Journal - Empowering Women to Achieve Self-acceptance - Unveil Your Authenticity and Reveal Inner Strength (Healing Series)
Jaina Sûtras, Part 2 of 2: The Uttarâdhyayana Sûtra and The Sûtrakritâṅga Sûtra (The Sacred Books of the East (Volume 45 of 50))