Becoming Sinners: Christianity and Moral Torment in a Papua New Guinea Society (Volume 4) (Ethnographic Studies in Subjectivity)

Becoming Sinners: Christianity and Moral Torment in a Papua New Guinea Society (Volume 4) (Ethnographic Studies in Subjectivity)

Invasion Rabaul: The Epic Story of Lark Force, the Forgotten Garrison, January ? July 1942

Invasion Rabaul: The Epic Story of Lark Force, the Forgotten Garrison, January ? July 1942

Living Spirits with Fixed Abodes: The Masterpieces Exhibition of the Papua New Guinea National Museum and Art Gallery

Living Spirits with Fixed Abodes: The Masterpieces Exhibition of the Papua New Guinea National Museum and Art Gallery

The History of Papua New Guinea: Echoes of the Sepik

The History of Papua New Guinea: Echoes of the Sepik

Stealing People's Names: History and Politics in a Sepik River Cosmology (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Series Number 71)

Stealing People's Names: History and Politics in a Sepik River Cosmology (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Series Number 71)

Castaway: The extraordinary survival story of Narcisse Pelletier, a young French cabin boy shipwrecked on Cape York in 1858

Castaway: The extraordinary survival story of Narcisse Pelletier, a young French cabin boy shipwrecked on Cape York in 1858

The History of the World: From the Back of a Boat

The History of the World: From the Back of a Boat

Conservation Is Our Government Now: The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea (New Ecologies for the Twenty-First Century)

Conservation Is Our Government Now: The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea (New Ecologies for the Twenty-First Century)

A Bastard of a Place: The Australians in Papua

A Bastard of a Place: The Australians in Papua

Attack on Yamamoto

Attack on Yamamoto

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