For the Good of Mankind: A History of the People of Bikini and their Islands

For the Good of Mankind: A History of the People of Bikini and their Islands

Strangers in Their Own Land: A Century of Colonial Rule in the Caroline and Marshall Islands (Pacific Islands Monograph Series)

Strangers in Their Own Land: A Century of Colonial Rule in the Caroline and Marshall Islands (Pacific Islands Monograph Series)

Blown to Hell: America's Deadly Betrayal of the Marshall Islanders

Blown to Hell: America's Deadly Betrayal of the Marshall Islanders

Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities: Structure in the Early History of the Sandwich Islands Kingdom (Canada, Origins and Options)

Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities: Structure in the Early History of the Sandwich Islands Kingdom (Canada, Origins and Options)

The Day the Sun Rose in the West: Bikini, the Lucky Dragon, and I

The Day the Sun Rose in the West: Bikini, the Lucky Dragon, and I

Island Victory: The Battle of Kwajalein Atoll (World War II)

Island Victory: The Battle of Kwajalein Atoll (World War II)

Day of Two Suns: U.S. Nuclear Testing and the Pacific Islanders

Day of Two Suns: U.S. Nuclear Testing and the Pacific Islanders

Notes on Jungle Warfare: From the U. S. Marines and U. S. Army Infantry on Guadalcanal Island

Notes on Jungle Warfare: From the U. S. Marines and U. S. Army Infantry on Guadalcanal Island

Breaking the Shell: Voyaging from Nuclear Refugees to People of the Sea in the Marshall Islands

Breaking the Shell: Voyaging from Nuclear Refugees to People of the Sea in the Marshall Islands

Bombing the Marshall Islands

Bombing the Marshall Islands

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