The Guide to Woodworking with Kids: Craft Projects to Develop the Lifelong Skills of Young Makers
Making Wooden People & Pets with Personality: 24 Easy Projects for the Scroll Saw (Fox Chapel Publishing) Full-Size Patterns for Beginners and Intermediate Scrollers to Create Handmade Gifts in Wood
Great Book of Wooden Toys: More Than 50 Easy-To-Build Projects (American Woodworker) (Fox Chapel Publishing) Step-by-Step Instructions, Diagrams, ... Tips (American Woodworker (Paperback))
Woodburning for Beginners: Learn the Secrets of Drawing With Fire With Minimal Tools
Animated Animal Toys in Wood: 20 Projects that Walk, Wobble & Roll (Fox Chapel Publishing) Patterns & Directions for Making Dinosaurs, a Shark, Duck, Turtle, Wolf, Frog, Hippo, Dog, & More for Kids
Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Whittling Book, Gift Edition: Fun, Easy-to-Make Projects with Your Swiss Army Knife (Fox Chapel Publishing) 43 Useful & Whimsical Tools, Flowers, & Cute Animals to Whittle
Complete Guide to Bird Carving: 15 Beautiful Beginner-to-Advanced Projects (Fox Chapel Publishing) Woodcarving a Hummingbird, Chickadee, Owl, Woodpecker, Goldfinch, and More, Step-by-Step
20-Minute Scroll Saw Puzzles: 56 Easy Animal Designs for Beginners (Fox Chapel Publishing) Woodworking Patterns for Interlocking Stackable Toys for Kids - Sloths, Koalas, Unicorns, Dinosaurs, and More
Quick Whittles: 16 Caricature Projects to Carve in a Sitting (Fox Chapel Publishing) Full-Size Patterns and Beginner-Friendly Instructions for Woodcarving a Santa, Bear, Narwhal, Monster, and More