C# 13 and .NET 9 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals: Start building websites and services with ASP.NET Core 9, Blazor, and EF Core 9

C# 13 and .NET 9 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals: Start building websites and services with ASP.NET Core 9, Blazor, and EF Core 9

Tools and Skills for .NET 8: Get the career you want with good practices and patterns to design, debug, and test your solutions

Tools and Skills for .NET 8: Get the career you want with good practices and patterns to design, debug, and test your solutions

Building End-to-End Apps with C# 11 and .NET 7: The complete guide to building web, desktop, and mobile apps (English Edition)

Building End-to-End Apps with C# 11 and .NET 7: The complete guide to building web, desktop, and mobile apps (English Edition)

Web API Development with ASP.NET Core 8: Learn techniques, patterns, and tools for building high-performance, robust, and scalable web APIs

Web API Development with ASP.NET Core 8: Learn techniques, patterns, and tools for building high-performance, robust, and scalable web APIs

ASP.NET Core 8 MVC Crash Course: Learn to build fast and secure web applications with ASP.NET MVC 8

ASP.NET Core 8 MVC Crash Course: Learn to build fast and secure web applications with ASP.NET MVC 8

Architecting ASP.NET Core Applications - Third Edition: An atypical design patterns guide for .NET 8, C# 12, and beyond

Architecting ASP.NET Core Applications - Third Edition: An atypical design patterns guide for .NET 8, C# 12, and beyond

Mastering ABP Framework: Build maintainable .NET solutions by implementing software development best practices

Mastering ABP Framework: Build maintainable .NET solutions by implementing software development best practices

C# Fundamentals: The Complete Beginner's Guide to C# 13 and .NET 9 (2024 Edition)

C# Fundamentals: The Complete Beginner's Guide to C# 13 and .NET 9 (2024 Edition)

Murach's ASP.NET Core MVC

Murach's ASP.NET Core MVC

ASP.NET Core and Vue.js: Build real-world, scalable, full-stack applications using Vue.js 3, TypeScript, .NET 5, and Azure

ASP.NET Core and Vue.js: Build real-world, scalable, full-stack applications using Vue.js 3, TypeScript, .NET 5, and Azure

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