Complete Pottery Techniques: Design, Form, Throw, Decorate and More, with Workshops from Professional Makers
Mastering Hand Building: Techniques, Tips, and Tricks for Slabs, Coils, and More (Mastering Ceramics)
Mastering the Potter's Wheel: Techniques, Tips, and Tricks for Potters (Mastering Ceramics)
The Beginner's Guide to Hand Building: Functional and Sculptural Projects for the Home Potter (Essential Ceramics Skills, 2)
The Complete Guide to Mid-Range Glazes: Glazing and Firing at Cones 4-7 (Lark Ceramics Books)
Amazing Glaze Recipes and Combinations: 200+ Surefire Finishes for Low-Fire, Mid-Range, and High-Fire Pottery (Mastering Ceramics)
The Complete Guide to Low-Fire Glazes for Potters and Sculptors: Techniques, Recipes, and Inspiration for Low-Temperature Firing with Big Results (Mastering Ceramics)